We are starting to count down the days of Driver Appreciation Week! This nationally recognized week celebrates Professional Drivers and the essential skilled services they provide. This year we are celebrating our valued Drivers every day of that week, starting Monday 9/11.
The Driver Appreciation theme for 2023 is “Rockstars of the Road!“
MON 9/11 | TUES 9/12 | WED 9/13 | THURS 9/14 | FRIDAY 9/15 |
Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available |
Random Prize Drawing! *Win Daily* | Random Prize Drawing! | Random Prize Drawing! | Random Prize Drawing! | Trivia Prize Winner Announced |
We need your help to put together a special tribute to our valued Drivers! Please submit photos, videos, and stories that thank and show your appreciation to the Driver in your life!
Submit information to any of the following:
Text: 414-207-2005
Email: [email protected]
Driver Gifts
2023 Gifts are:
Hi-vis Limited Edition Driver Appreciation 2023 t-shirt and Beanie with LED light!

Driver Appreciation 2022
The Driver Appreciation theme for 2022 is “Take Pride In Your Ride.”

We are about one month away from Driver Appreciation Week. This nationally recognized week celebrates Professional Drivers and the essential skilled services they provide. This year we are celebrating our valued Drivers every day of that week, starting Monday 9/12.
The Driver Appreciation theme for 2022 is “Take Pride In Your Ride.”
- Schedule of Events
- Driver Gifts
- Driver Trivia Questionnaire
- Daily Driver Trivia
- Family and Friends
We need your help to put together a special tribute to our valued Drivers! Please submit photos, videos, and stories that thank and show your appreciation to the Driver in your life!
Submit information to any of the following:
Google Drive (upload pictures, docs and videos)
Text: 414-207-2005
Email: [email protected]
Win Prizes
Keep an eye out on Transport National’s social media channels to win a prize. Answer a trivia question correctly to win!
MON 9/12 | TUES 9/13 | WED 9/14 | THURS 9/15 | FRIDAY 9/16 |
Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available | Driver Gifts Available |
Trivia Prize Drawing! *Win Daily* | Trivia Prize Drawing! | Trivia Prize Drawing! | Trivia Prize Drawing! | Grand Prize Winner Announced |
Driver Appreciation Video |
- Driver gifts will be available at their Terminals
- Trivia questions will be available the week prior. Submit answers directly to Georgette Wellnitz at [email protected] or 414-856-1919 or text 414-207-2005.
- Daily trivia questions will be sent out each day during Driver Appreciation Week.
Driver Gifts
Driver Trivia Questionnaire
DRIVERS please help and answer any of the attached questions. Please respond by Thursday 9/8 by giving answers to your Driver Manager, filling it online via the link below, or sending in to Georgette at [email protected].
Driver Appreciation Trivia Builder Form. pdf
DA Trivia Builder Online Form
The Driver Trivia Questionnaire will be made up of these responses and will be released Friday 9/9. Submissions will need to be received by Thursday 9/15 at Noon to be eligible for the Grand Prize announced on Friday, 9/16.
Daily Driver Trivia
There will be Transport National trivia DAILY for Drivers to answer. The first question will be released the week before and can be found below!
Daily Trivia Day 1 – Will be found here 9/9.
We are hoping to provide a fun and engaging way for Drivers to test their knowledge and win prizes! Check out the offerings below: